Arts for the 21st Century

Kendel Hippolyte

Kendel Hippolyte

Kendel Hippolyte is a poet, playwright and director and sporadic researcher into areas of Saint Lucian and Caribbean arts and culture. His poetry has been published in journals and anthologies regionally and internationally as well as in five volumes between 1980 and 2005. His plays have been performed locally and regionally and three of his plays have been published in drama anthologies. Hippolyte was the winner of the 2013 Bocas Poetry Prize.


A road razzled with restaurant signs and menu boards, lights twinkling in the eaves, winking a come-on at the tourists; glimpses—between the tall hedges—of hotel staff, busy in black and white, a slash of colour, slice of a smile; the strip, a tourism hotspot, cools down in the evening, then flares up, a febrile condition, in the night.